Monday, 27 July 2015

Subaru Forester X Shingeki no Kyujin Commercial

Subaru Forester X Shingeki no Kyujin Commercial
Tagline: Confidence in Motion

Subaru is luxury car brand and forester is belonging to the family of SUV vehicle. There tagline is “Confidence in Motion” means you can do anything or everything when using their cars even when you are chased by a giant man eating creature also known as Titan. Shingeki no Kyujin is a very famous anime in Japanese so they came up with the strategy to make a advertising commercial where a forester is being chase by titans. Since it’s very popular Japanese people will get their attention when they heard about the anime.
We can see the video that the car handles any types of obstacles like fast acceleration, running uphill and rocky roads. They also show the safeness of the passenger inside of the car. They highlights the features of the car in this commerncial.The medium used of the commercial are aired in Japanese television and SNS to reach their target market.

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